West Newbury
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Questions should be directed to the West Newbury Board of Health at 978-363-1000 ext 141
G. Mello Disposal is the town-wide contract holder for trash and recycling in the Town of West Newbury. Residents do not need to subscribe to service privately with us. Waste collection in West Newbury is Mondays and Fridays. Please see the street guide to determine what day your services will be. Recycling is on the same day but every other week.
Saturday 8 am-12 pm
Pipestave Hill, 695 Main Street
Route 113 across from the Page Elementary School
Open to West Newbury residents only.
All recycling materials are accepted (must be sorted), white goods and large metal items (MUST remove all doors for safety). Cardboard boxes must be broken down flat.
NOT ACCEPTED: Trash, plastic shopping bags, TVs, computers, propane tanks, hazardous liquids, paint, demolition material, furniture, leaves, compost, yard waste, tires and oil.
*Area is under 24 hour surveillance, violators will be fined.
Automated Curbside Trash, Recycling and Bulk Item Collection
Automated collection services use a single, one-person vehicle with a mechanical arm to empty town provided wheeled trash and recycling carts and returns them to their original curbside position. Each cart will be barcoded and scanned upon delivery with GPS coordinates recorded to ensure proper delivery. Carts can also be identified by the serial number on the front of the cart. It is recommended that you write this number in a safe place or take a picture of it in the event your cart is stolen. G. Mello will be identifying carts with your address on top of the cart lid; however, resident may also write their address on the side of the cart in bold print with permanent marker.
The automated collection is becoming a standard industry practice. This type of collection has shown to be very effective at reducing trash disposal costs, increasing overall recycling and making collection more efficient. Automation is also much safer for the employees as back injuries are very common in the industry.
You should have received one 65-gallon wheeled cart for trash and one 65-gallon cart for recycling at each household, free of charge. For a fee overflow bagged household trash can be brought to G. Mello’s transfer station in Georgetown (203 East Main Street) and Newbury (75 Boston Road). Or residents may purchase an additional cart for $100 (one time charge) and an annual trash collection sticker (for the additional cart) for $120. Permits will run July 1st and June 30th.
Carts will need to be placed curbside with the hinge side away from the street, no more than three (3) feet from the curb with three (3) feet between the carts and at least four (4) feet from obstructions. Carts with open covers due to overflowing trash will not be collected.
If you have purchased a G. Mello cart or feel that your current toter is equal to the durability of the Town issued cart and want to use it, please call 978-363-1100 ext 141 and we will arrange for an inspection by the operation manager from G. Mello. Should you receive approval for non-town issued carts, G. Mello shall not be held liable for damage to the cart.
On dead end streets, carts will only be allowed on one side of the roadway. The carts have large wheels, and are designed for weight distribution that makes it easier to transport than the carts found at the box stores. The carts are earth tone colors and could be left closer to the street, instead of transporting them back to your house.
Residents will be given an option to purchase an additional trash and or recycling cart for $100 (one time charge). Residents who purchase an additional cart will be required to purchase annual trash sticker for $120 (monthly pro- rate) for trash to place on the cart for curbside collection. Recycling does not require a collection sticker. Residents that have previously purchased a G. Mello trash or recycling cart may use purchased cart as their “additional overflow” for trash or recycling. Residents that have previously purchased a cart from G. Mello may use that cart as their “additional” cart for recycling. Please clearly mark the cart “RECYCLE” or contact the Health Department for a free “RECYCLE” sticker.
Residents should call the Health Department 978-363-1000 ext 141 to make arrangements or mail a $120 check into the Health Department at 381 Main Street, and the annual trash sticker will be mailed back.
Please do not write your name on the cart. Residents should write their street name and number and/or unit number on the Town issued cart with a permanent marker (please do not write resident names on the carts, the carts are assigned to the address). Letters and numbers shall not obstruct the cart serial number. Other than the address, resident shall not draw, paint, deface, tamper or damage any Town issued cart.
All Town issued carts are property of the Town of West Newbury. Stolen carts should be immediately reported to the Police Department. A copy of the Police report should be forwarded to the Health Department to request a replacement cart. Replacement carts are $100.00 each.
Town issued carts are to remain at the household in which they were delivered. Each cart is scanned and linked to the address it was delivered to. Town issued carts are the property of the Town of West Newbury.
Trash disposal is prohibited at the Pipestave Recycling Center.
Bulk items (one per-household) will be collected six times a year. To purchase “Bulk” item stickers and to arrange for a collection date, please call the Health Department at 978-363-1100 ext 141. Sticker should be placed on item the day of collection.
No construction or demolition material is collected curbside.
$20 per items up to 25 pounds. Items over 25-50 pounds require two stickers per item. Over 50 pounds will require prior approval.
Residents should call the Health Department at 978-363-1100 ext. 141 to make arrangements. Staff will issue a bulk sticker and arrange a collection date for the resident.
One (1) item per household per collection, call to make a collection appointment. Six predetermined dates per year per household. Please visit our website www.wnewbury.org Board of Health page, or call for “Bulk” item collection dates.